Mobile monitoring data in eight settlements
Raw data on spatial distribution of light absorbing carbon concentrations in eight settlements, obtained by mobile monitoring. Monitoring was conducted using the mobile vehicle, where the monitor was placed at the front window of the car.
A tibble with 3540 rows and 25 variables:
- serial_number
serial number of the MA200 monitoring from which the data is collected
- session_id
session number of the MA200 monitor (each monitoring session is automatically given a number in the output file of MA200 monitoring data)
- date
date of monitoring
- time
time of monitoring
- lat
latitude of location of monitoring
- long
longitude of location of monitoring
- uv_bcc
concentration of black carbon at the UV (ultravoilet) wavelength channel in ng/m3
- blue_bcc
concentration of black carbon at the Blue wavelength channel in ng/m3
- ir_bcc
concentration of black carbon at the IR (infrared) wavelength channel in ng/m3
- uv_babs
absorption coefficient of black carbon at the UV (ultravoilet) wavelength channel
- blue_babs
absorption coefficient of black carbon at the Blue wavelength channel
- ir_babs
absorption coefficient of black carbon at the IR (infrared) wavelength channel
- date_time
date and time of monitoring
- day_type
type of day of monitoring - weekend or weeday
- id
id is a unique identifier given to every monitoring session and experiment given in the data structure
- date_start
starting date of the experiment
- date_end
end date of the experiment
- exp_type
type of experiment
- settlement_id
settlement name at which the monitoring was conducted
- time_of_day
the days are divided into three types - morning, first half and second half
- type_of_settlement
type of settlement - formal or informal
- start_time
starting time of the experiment
- end_time
ending time of the experiment