Low-Cost Glass Crusher for Cape Maclear, Malawi

Design, Maintenance, Operation, and Results


- Philippe Colbach ORCID logo 0009-0004-5631-8744 author, maintainer
- Jakub Tkaczuk ORCID logo 0000-0001-7997-9423 supervisor, developer
- Elizabeth Tilley ORCID logo 0000-0002-2095-9724 supervisor

This work is certified by the Open Source Hardware Association.

Github repository for this page sits here.

1 Introduction

This documentation details the construction, operation, and maintenance of the glass crusher that was built as part of a collaboration between the Malawian nonprofit organization Sustainable Cape Maclear and the Global Health Engineering Group at ETH Zürich.

2 Prototype Overview

The glass crusher uses two roller mills to crush the glass. The rollers are rotated using a crank and a drivetrain made mostly from motorcycle parts. It is a mostly closed construction to shield the operator(s) from glass dust and shards.

Figure 1: Complete assembly of the glass crusher.

During testing, it became clear that the crusher was not strong enough to break intact glass bottles. Therefore, an additional pre-crusher was built to break the bottles first before inserting their shards into the main crusher for further refinement.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all information in this documentation relates to the main glass crusher, not the pre-crusher.

3 Part List

Material Units Unit Cost (MWK) Total Cost (MWK) Total Cost (USD) Notes
Anti-Rust Coating
1 L
1 26’000 26’000 14.77
Bearing 6206 RS
Øi 30 mm
2 9’000 18’000 10.23
Bearing 6304 2RS
Øi 20 mm
2 8’000 16’000 9.09
Damp-proof course
0.25 mm x 100 mm x 40’000 mm
1 4’950 4’950 2.81
Durable rubber sheet
2 mm x 1’500 mm x 2’600 mm
1 70’000 70’000 39.77
Galvanized steel elbow connector
Øi 15 mm
2 1’024 2’048 1.16
Galvanized steel pipe
Øi 15 mm x Øo 20 mm x 1’000 mm
1 16’174 16’174 9.19
Galvanized steel pipe
Øi 15 mm x Øo 20 mm x 300 mm
2 5’044 10’088 5.73
Galvanized steel round cap
Øi 15 mm
1 734 734 0.42
5 mm x 40 mm x 40 mm x 5’800 mm
1 39’500 39’500 22.44
Motorcycle Chain
Size 520 x 66 links (minimum)
2 70’000 140’000 79.55
Motorcycle Sprocket
Size 520 x 13T
3 28’000 84’000 47.73
Motorcycle Sprocket
Size 520 x 42T
1 65’000 65’000 36.93
PVC pipe
Øi 22 mm x Øo 25 mm x 3’000 mm
1 3’300 3’300 1.88
PVC straight pipe connector
Øi 50 mm x 50 mm
3 1’200 3’600 2.05
Screws, nuts, and washers1 1 49’600 49’600 28.18
Steel bar flat
2.75 mm x 20 mm x 5’800 mm
1 6’000 6’000 3.41
Steel corner bracket
2.5 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm x 20 mm
1 604 604 0.34
Steel flat bar
5 mm x 40 mm x 5’800 mm
1 45’000 45’000 25.57
Steel pipe
Øo 43 mm x 1’000 mm
1 0 0 0.00 scrap part
Steel roller
Øo 150 mm x 500 mm
2 209’700 419’400 238.30
Steel sheet
2 mm x 1’300 mm x 3’350 mm
1 250’000 250’000 142.05
Steel sheet
3 mm x 350 mm x 400 mm
1 0 0 0.00 scrap part
Steel square tubing
1.15 mm x 15 mm x 15 mm x 5’800 mm
2 4’950 9’900 5.63
Zip ties 33 0 0 0.00 scrap part
TOTAL COST 1’279’898 727.21

4 Safety Precautions

Always wear protective equipment when working with glass. A mask, goggles, gloves and closed footwear are essential for protecting the operator’s health.

5 License

The complete design and user manual are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.


  1. 24 x screw M6 x 16, 1 x screw M6 x 20, 2 x screw M6 x 25, 12 x screw M6 x 30, 4 x screw M6 x 45, 2 x stud M6 x 20, 53 x nut M6, 67 x washer M6, 5 x screw M10 x 20
    12 x screw M10 x 30, 1 x stud M10 x 90, 2 x stud M10 x 120, 23 x nut M10, 19 x washer M10↩︎